Supporting you and your child

We accompany new parents in their unique journey to parenthood, helping them support their baby’s development.

  • Courses for new parents
  • Private coaching
  • Support for special needs parents
  • Child development workshops and talks
  • Professional training for child care professionals
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Motor fun baby courses

As a Early Childhood Instructor, I offer group courses for babies (0-12 months) and their parents. These classes take place at two convenient locations: Academicus - Enge or in the comfort of your own home for a private class.
Click the buttons below to learn more about each class option.

PEKIP® baby courses

Starting November 27, 2024! PEKiP® has been nurturing parent-child bonds and fostering early socialization for over four decades. By joining my PEKiP® classes, you and your baby will embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and connection. Through carefully designed activities, I will guide you in stimulating your baby's senses, motor skills, and cognitive abilities.Click on the buttons below to get on my course list!


Workshops and talks

Baby Workshops are classes about different developmental questions or challenges. They are one off classes, and you can join several depending on your interest.


Private coaching

First-Step Private Lessons are great to focus on your baby’s development more deeply that can happen in a group workshop.

Book a private session

First Step® professional training

The First Step Training Program is a training where you can learn the First Step method and become a Certified Instructor.

About the First Step® certification

Special needs and developmental delays

First-Step therapy addresses a broad spectrum of disorders including genetic syndrome, brain injuries, autism and communication disorders, motor delays and disorders, low muscle tone, epilepsy, severe eating disorders and ADHD.

The therapeutic process is an intensive learning process in which parents actively participate. In fact, parents’ role is central in creating a facilitating environment for their child’s development.

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First-Step®️ Method - FAQ

Enjoy cradling!

Beyond the emotional connection, using a sling distributes the baby's weight evenly across the caregiver's body, reducing strain on the arms and shoulders. Additionally, slings facilitate easy breastfeeding and allow caregivers to attend to daily tasks while keeping their little ones close.

Introduction to The Training Program

The Training Program enables you to become a First-Step® Instructor! First-Step® has currently trained and certified over 3000 instructors. Some of these instructors are employed by First-Step®, while others work in private institutions or are self-employed.

Let begin with a baby sling!

Slings are infinitely adjustable, your carry is able to be tweaked all along the length and width of the fabric for the ultimate tailored carry.

Do I have to come to Israel or can I stay at home?

Are you unable to travel for any reason? Therapists from the First-Step® team can travel to your location and work at your home in your environment. We already have a few dates planned for 2023. Please get in touch if you are interested in dates and locations.


Parents play the most important role in the development of their babies. Knowledge, support and community help them to be more confident, and relaxed and enjoy their parenthood.

Learn and grow with your baby

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